Sunday, February 10, 2008

iPhone Is Sure to be the Product of the Year(2/19/2007-THNT)

Apple’s new IPhone has gone above and beyond everyone’s expectations! The CEO of Apple, Steve Job’s, two and a half years of commitment to a new creation have finally paid off. At Macworld 2007, in San Francisco, Jobs was able to unveil his work of art during his keynote. The other two new products Apple has produced, the Apple TV and the AirPort Extreme, dazzled the audience, but it was the new iPhone that stole the show.
This break-through in the world of electronics left the audience at Macworld, speechless; all they could do was stand in the wake of a machine that took cell phones and iPods to another level. Steve Jobs clarifies his company’s achievement, “iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone.” Apple’s CEO could not have put it any better, whether it be the full screen iPod, the simple to use yet highly advanced cell phone, or the amazing internet capabilities, the iPhone is the greatest piece of technology to hit the market since Apple’s iPod. First the MP3 player, then the cell phone, what market will Apple dominate next?
The iPhone is a device that has no keypad to dial numbers, but instead consists of one large touch screen that can transform into a number of useful utilities. The beauty of the iPhone is that there is no stylus and all one needs is a finger. By using one’s fingers many things can be accomplished on the iPhone, such as zooming in and out by using the "unpinching" and "pinching" technique that is incorporated in the Multi-touch interface. However, it is not only the touch pad and the seamless scrolling that makes the iPhone a pleasure to use but also the many devices it packs into such a small body. The iPhone not only serves as a cellphone, but is also a widescreen iPod that plays movies and offers a web browser for wi-fi Internet access. Apple’s new device also incorporates Google Maps with its wi-fi Internet. These useful tools are not the only perks of buying an iPhone; the amazing electronic machine also holds a camera, extraordinary email access, and many other characteristics that are similar to PDA’s.
Mac fans will be happy to learn that iPhone will run OS X. Not only will it have a Mac operating system but also will easily synchronize with iTunes just like all the previous iPods. That is the beauty of the iPhone; most electronics that try to cram multiple devices into one device, fail, due to the fact that when they come together each of them loses its original efficiency and does not function at its optimum, but the iPhone shatters this myth; it is an epitome of efficiency even though it is many electronic devices rolled into one.
By the end of the MacWorld Expo the audience at Steve Job’s keynote was waiting for two things, the price and release date of the astounding iPhone. Job’s did not want to keep his audience waiting and announced that his new creation would hit the US markets in June. Everyone knew that something like the iPhone would not be cheap, and the $499 price tag was somewhat expected.
Although the iPhone may seem flawless it has its imperfections. For instance the $499 and $599price of a four-gigabyte and an eight-gigabyte iPhone respectively appeared a little unreasonable to some who felt the storage space will not be worth the cost. Another drawback of the iPhone is its relatively small battery life, especially for a cell phone that may be used for some heavy duty talking
Steve Job’s unveiling of the iPhone has on the one hand completely shattered and at the same time reshaped the entire electronic world, and has consequently left many companies in the dust. The iPhone’s numerous capabilities completely decimate any competition. With a cellphone, widescreen iPod, Internet capabilities, and many other utilities, the iPhone will be the most longed for product until its release in June, and then will definitely become the greatest product of the year.


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