Friday, May 25, 2007

Response to "Speech Lessons"(TIME)

I am a high school student, and I agree with peers who advocate for our right to free speech [May 21]. In a country that boasts a Constitution that grants freedom and equality for all, why are its young deprived of the right to expression in school? Ironically, it is in this very environment that we learn about our freedoms, a setting that teaches us to articulate our thoughts in English class but then stifles our voices if they do not conform to some norm.


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Id it is said...

Couldn't agree with you more on this.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a point well made, but least taken by many. I wouldnt think twice to agree with you here..

You were partially right abt Beah. The book does not really explain the torn state of the country, yet there is something compelling abt it. I am on a sympathy drive currently, so anything from africa is welcome for me. :) You could pick it up. A fairly decent read.

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