Monday, April 16, 2007

Ignorance in America

History class teaches us that in previous years the people of this nation not only knew current issues, but also were involved in them and stood up for their opinions. The current happenings of our world have gone by relatively unnoticed by the masses, and this is must change; the populace should be emboldened to not only use the new technology in this Age of Information to gather knowledge, but they should use this it to voice their opinions on the topics of their day and the days to come.
For many around the globe the era we have come to settle into what has been dubbed the Age of Information; however, as sad as it may be, this Age of Information is soon to become the Age of Ignorance. There may be immense amounts of information and numerous methods with which to gain enlightenment, but neither of these aspects seem to be improving upon the fact that there are millions of people who are unaware of the critical happenings of the world around them. This ignorance can be clearly seen in the youth of the nation
As for the people who have a clue as to what is happening around them, some just do not seem to care what happens. It is hard to grasp the concept that someone will completely ignore controversial subject that could very well affect a number of people, including the person himself. One should not ignore the 800-pound gorilla that may very well be a heated topic that affects many things. Ignorance is one thing, but apathy towards an important aspect of society is completely inexcusable and should not happen; people should realize that their voices and opinions are important, and should be heard by their peers.
This Age of Ignorance has set in even with the great developments in technology and science because people, especially the youth, of this nation have begun to use technology for things other than the gathering of information. Computers and the internet, are but a few of the methods that can now be used to learn about global issues; however, people have yet to stop playing “pinball”, and until then these numerous distraction will obstruct the movement of knowledge.
Many new improvements have been made in numerous areas including the transfer of ideas and media, but none of these improvements have changed the way people of this nation view the world.
The young minds inside the walls of our nation’s school tend to view the world through a very narrow. To many children, if the issue does not concern them, they will not bother with it, which is in some ways very selfish. This narrow mindedness has swept the nation’s schools; many students are not even aware of the happenings inside their school’s very own corridors. Not knowing the occurrences in one’s school is a very sad thing being that a student spends at least six hours inside those walls. This apathy towards the world and issues that may or may not affect you is not a good characteristic, and frankly something must be done to spark interest into the young minds of this nation in order to broaden the horizons for the future.
Although the youth of today have already begun to fall to the sharks of ignorance and apathy, our society can still save itself by making conscious decisions in order to become more aware of their surroundings. To ensure a brighter future one must start with the students; the classroom must facilitate and encourage a students potential to become a free thinker, which is exactly what this nation is all about.


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